My name is Tom Udding. I am doing a Master in Information Security Technology at the Eindhoven University of Technology. My focus area is the digital security of (constrained) devices. I am also interested in the physical security of devices and cryptographic systems.

In my spare time, I am active at study association GEWIS. Here I am part of the ApplicatieBeheerCommissie (Application Management Committee) and Computer Beheer Commissie (Computer Management Committee) to manage both the digital and physical systems that GEWIS has. I develop and design dynamic and interactive websites. I strive to always use the latest web standards and doing so, I have gained some unique and strong experience in this field.

I have experience with the web development and design languages PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. In addition to this, I also have experience with other programming languages, such as AppleScript, C, C++, Java, Python, and Rust.