Projects I have made, or which I have contributed to, listed in no specific order. Please note that not all projects are finished or will be finished.

Udding Solutions

I founded Udding Solutions to solve the common needs and problems I was encountering while working on personal projects. Udding Solutions currently consists of multiple divisions including; Udding Networks, Udding Research, and Udding Security.


Graphion is the product of a Human-Technology Interaction project at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Graphion is a tool written in Python using Bokeh, HoloViews, and NetworkX to allow for the visualisation of large datasets in a browser.

Carbon CO2 Clock

A project by Taha Gomma and me to shows the dangers of the contemporary high atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels.


Socialnous was an online social platform with the vision to connect people with the rest of the world. Due to my studies I have stopped development for the foreseeable future.


My custom made CMS. It is still in the alpha-phase and will contain errors.


HuCEP (Human Cybernetic Enhancement Program) is a biotechnological company founded by Taha Gomma.

V.V. Berkhout

A revision of the original website. Using my own CMS (see 'TPanel'). This website is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by V.V. Berkhout.

SYT Development

A game development startup (not really). Founded on 12 January 2015 by Sil de Graaf, Joey Bekkink and Tom Udding.

Tabor College

A revision of the original website. Using my own CMS (see 'TPanel'). This website is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Tabor College.

T.C. Ursem

A revision of the original website. Using my own CMS (see 'TPanel'). This website is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Tennis Club Ursem.

Chocolaterie Choko-Toko

No information available at the moment.

Talen @Oscar

A new website for the Spanish, French and German pupils. This website is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Oscar Romero.